Momentum Ventures, a holding company established in 2014, has emerged as a key player in the travel industry, boasting a...
Despite the rise of virtual meetings and working from home, business travel isn’t going anywhere, with the sector forecast to...
Business Travel Market Growth, Share Depending on industry, the corporate segment valued at $454.5 billion, accounting for 65.9% of the...
In recent years, Hyatt Hotels Corporation has been expanding its Hyatt House brand, which was initially designed as an extended-stay...
After a long hiatus due to the pandemic, business travel is slowly making a comeback. But it’s not just the...
Skift Take An ever-growing roster of countries placing new testing requirements on Chinese travelers is sparking an outcry, particularly across...
After the pandemic hit in 2020, business travel expenses shrunk by 52% compared to pre-pandemic levels. Now that business travel is back on...
Business travel can be very expensive, but there are ways to save — and one of the most effective tools...
Brussels – Representatives from all areas of the business travel eco- system gathered at the GBTA Europe Conference in Brussels...
Business travelers are on the road again. So there's no better time for CNBC Travel to name the best hotels...